Friday, September 5, 2008

An Expanding Waistline

As we approach our due date for Baby Girl #2, my tummy continues to stretch to unbelievable proportions.
I remember a point about 10 weeks ago when I thought my belly button was going to actually pop out at that very moment. Still waiting for that to happen and still growing daily more amazed at how the body deals with carrying another body inside itself - even though I've already done this before. It is still amazing and magical and miraculous.

The Dr. doesn't think we will make it to our Halloween due date.
Do you think that means I will not only make it to my due date but possibly go over?
I am already dilated 1 cm and 70% effaced, so at this point we're focusing on keeping her IN the womb for at least another month, but after that she can come as soon as she wants!

I will admit that I'm already trying to squeeze as much enjoyment out of these last few weeks as I can...Eliot doesn't know that things are about to change dramatically, so I'm trying to take advantage of that for her. Somehow I feel simultaneously like I'm bestowing the most amazing gift upon her and ripping the rug out from underneath her feet.

Right now it's just me and Baby Girl (even though that just means when Eliot is sleeping).
While sometimes uncomfortable (ok, a lot uncomfy), it is such a joy that I feel all her kicks and hiccups and rolls and jabs.
All too soon she will not just be Wynne's and mine and God's but ours to share: a new citizen of the World for folks to coo over and want to hold.

I remember it well from the weeks following Eliot's birth: suddenly my tummy gets demoted from being such a cute and round temporary room for this baby, I won't be rubbing it like an over-sized bowling ball somehow thinking I could soothe the baby through all the layers of skin, muscle and wouldn't really be a good shelf for holding Eliot like it is now or even showing off my cute empire-waisted maternity tops. Well, as cute as maternity wear can be, anyway.

The payoff is well worth it, but I missed having Eliot in my tummy for a good week or two after she was born. There is just something about that not-so-comforting "empty" post-partum belly.

17 weeks:


20 weeks:


25 weeks:


30 weeks:


32 weeks (and baby has already dropped):


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The Robinsons said...


I miss being pregnant!

Anonymous said...

Those are some great pictures of the new baby! Big sister is also very cute in them too I'm glad we got to meet her. I know this comment doesn't go with this post just imagine it with the new baby pics. I especially like the one with Eliot in the baby cart thingy.